Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sorry, no pictures...but...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Here I am being helpful!

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Ender the protector!

This picture on the right...well, I thought that I would be really funny one day when my mom was taking pictures of the baby! I waited right until she was ready to take the picture and I snuck right in the photo! No prompting needed! I know right what to do! My mom called me a ham for doing that! Doesn't she know that I'm a DOG! My Grandma and Granddad came on a airplane

Friday, October 26, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
I get to go play today!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I did a bad thing...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
This is the life!

I love to lounge on the bed! Made or un-made, it doesn't matter! I love it the best when I have the whole bed to my self, which unfortunately isn't as often as it should be! In a little while I will have a new brother and he will not be allowed to sleep on the bed...just me! (my parents know that I don't stay on the bed all night, only until I get to hot, then I move!)
Speaking of my new brother, he should be here anytime between now and three weeks or so. He can come next week and I will get to play with him and smell him and kiss him!
I have lots of pictures that I want to post and there doesn't seem to be enough time to do it. I guess that I should have been posting more often, I will blame that on my mom...aahhemm...
I still read a lot of the other dog blogs, I haven't been too good at commenting, but I do read them.
My parents took me to the dog park the other day. Well, my dad took me and my mom tagged along, she was kind of useless, but I love her anyhow...I love my dad for taking me and favored him the rest of the day!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Have you seen this?
Love this commercial! Look at the eskies! I had to rewind it and show my parents! Maybe they could train me to do that with something...or I could teach myself to do that with something I want, then they would have to give me some to make me stop barking! HAhahaha!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
My fun time

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Just Chillin'
Monday, August 13, 2007
All to myself!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
At the request of my Aunt Hana, here are some videos of me doing zoomies! These aren't my greatest zoomies, but since my Mom never knows when I am going to bust out into zoomies, I guess that we are lucky enough to even have these. I love to run around the couch and bark and grunt!
Oh, and in the second clip, me smashing against the back door...that's how I tell people that I've got to go outside, I don't bark like most dogs do!
Sunday, August 05, 2007

(click on pictures to enlarge)
One set of my Grandparents now have a home within an hour of where we live. From their house we can see the golf course. My Dad likes to play golf with his Dad, and so these pictures were taken one day while we were there. The golfers in the pictures are just random golfers, no one we knew, but that didn't stop me from telling them where to hit the ball! After they hit the ball they got in the little cart and drove right past me! I wanted to chase them, but I could only go as far as the fence would allow me, so from there I had to bark at them! Maybe one day my Dad will take me with him, and I could help him find all of the balls that go missing!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Just call me the grocery inspector!

My mom went to the store the other day and when she got home I had to see if there was food for me! Of course here wasn't...but there was a new toy for me! I had a few of these balls in Idaho when we lived there because we had a yard, and now that we have a yard again I get one! i should get a treat every time my parents go out, they should pay me to stay home all by my self!
Oh, in other sister Kona just had pups! I have 2 nephews and a niece! Congratulations to Kona!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Do I look amused?

Friday, July 13, 2007
Hmmm, maybe I'm just not smart enough?
and then there is this slogan:
for some reason the slogan one is different every time you click on it, so the one I liked is now gone "Come see the softer side of Ender" and "Your in good hands with Ender" and my personal favorite was "You Need An Ender"
and then this one:
Try your own by putting in your own word or name!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I'm a rockstar blogger!

Try this quiz!
And now on to other updates....
There probably won't be any pictures for a while, I have to get my parents to set up photoshop and then I can be back to the picture posting business. I should start blogging a lot more now that my dad has his own computer, that makes everyone in our house happy! It has been really hot here, there is this thing called humidity and that makes it feel hotter than it really is, ummm...I think Turbo should ban that!
Things started to show up at my house this week. Baby things. I really don't mind so far everything has had a new smell, and my mom keeps telling me that I need to get use to these things in the house. So I don't mind the things in the house...but then something showed up in my dog the back seat...and it wouldn't move...and then I got put in a seat belt so I wouldn't jump in it (but I did try several times!)! My parents kept calling it a car seat and when I got close enough to see all of the buckles and restraints, I am glad that I only have one seat belt thing and that I don't have to ride in that thing. At least I can still see out the windows! I have to wait til the end of October to meet my new brother. And then when he does get here I will get to go to doggie day camp a few times that week...I say why wait, take me NOW! My parents keep telling my what a great big brother I am going to be, I just smile and say "I know that"
I got groomed today. This time they didn't steal my pants! My butt looks pretty normal now, everything has grown back nicely!
Oh, I'm going to be an Uncle! My sister Kona is going to have pups! I asked my parents if a puppy can come and live at our house, but they said not right now, maybe in a couple more years.
Maybe next time I post there might be some pictures. Or I my just post about my parents. I'll have to wait and see, so will you!
Friday, June 29, 2007
What is your blog rated??
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Fun quiz and other things...
Things have been fun around here for the past few weeks. My Grandparents stayed with us for a few weeks and so I got lots of playtime with grandpa. Then some of my cousins showed up for a few days and I got more playtime. My couisins even brought some of their toys with them and I tried to play with them, my mom started sounding like a broken record everytime when she would tell me to leave it! I was a good boy and eventually listened... the soft toys are just so tempting!
My parents went to San Antonio for the weekend last week. I wanted to go, but when I found out that my grandparents would be watching me it was okay that I had to stay behind. Besides, when my parents got home they said that it was really hot there, but every time they saw a dog they thought of me! (as it should have been!)
Mr Toad is back in my yard, I saw him there a couple of times last week.
My butt fur is growing back nicely. My mom keeps trying to brush it so it won't have to be shaved again, but I don't like it, however when she gives me treats after a brushing, I don't mind too much!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Meet my new....

Friday, May 18, 2007
Look who came to visit me!

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Who stole my pants???

So...I have been hiding for the past little while. You see in the above pictures why! Someone snatched my fur pants, and I can't find them! I went to the groomers last week for a bath and a brush...I went in with my pants, and I came out without them! Did they take them to get washed and shrink them, and couldn't give them back? My mom said that the groomers inspected me when she dropped me off and they said that my butt was way to matted and that they couldn't even get to my skin, so they would have to shave the matts off. My mom almost cried! I look really funny, but I got use to it, and now I don't miss my pants! It's kind of feels free- having the wind blow through my hair...wait, my non hair! Plus my parents feel bad that they didn't brush me after the weather got warmer, and that is why I was matted and had to be shaved, so they give me more scratches! Even though this now means that they are trying to brush me more, there is one good thing...more treats for ME!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Support Our Troops!
What a great way to let them know that we are thinking of them and support them!
*Something cool that Xerox is doing:
If you go to this web site, , you can pick out a
thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier
that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it
will go to some member of the armed services.
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!
This is a great site.
Please send a card or two or three!
It is FREE and it only takes a second.*
I love how kids designed the cards, but it made it hard to choose, so I picked a few out to send, and I had my mom send a few too!
Friday, April 20, 2007
My crafty Mom

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I am posting this because on the eskie board someone was asking if any other eskies howled. This is a video clip of me 'singing' or howling to Gary Allan - Nothing On But The Radio. If you take notice in the video, there is another set of howling first. That is also me, my mom couldn't find the CD to play the song, so she played a video clip recorded a few months ago of me singing to the would that count as a duet? My mom loves the my mouth puckers when I sing.
Hmmmm, I just re watched the video and for some reason, my howls don't match my mouth. But you get the idea, right?!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
There's no keeping me out now...part 2!!!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Photo/video of the week
Look at me run! I really like it when my parents chase me, it makes them dizzy! HAHAHAHA! I could keep going, but every now and then I have to look behind me while I run to see if they are keeping up with me! It's kinda dark, this house has poor lighting, and since we use the digital camera for video clips there is no extra light.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Photo of the week, and other news parents do weird things with me, as I'm sure that all of your parents do weird things with you! This is just one of the many, many silly thing that they do. Here I am in a laundry basket. They thought that it was pretty funny. Was I dirty, no. Did I need to be folded, no. At least they didn't give me a bath! Well, it's a good thing that I am very tolerant and have a happy disposition! But the joke was on them! I now can't stay out of the laundry baskets...especially if they have dirty socks or underwear in them! I like to sneak into the closet and swipe things when they aren't looking, and then I run around and make them chase me! It's so much fun!
In other news...I'm going to be a big brother! That's right! But it won't be of the furry kind, and I have to wait all the way for October or November for it to get here. My Auntie Hana was at my families blog and figured it out, she would make a good detective! That's why I haven't been posting a lot. But I have been a very good boy and give my mom kisses and snuggles when she doesn't feel well.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Mr Toad is still in my yard....
Friday, March 23, 2007
Photo of the week

This Toad was in my yard for at least 4 days. My mom was surprised that I didn't try to eat it...but I did paw at it.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
It's a monster....

Nothing much to report.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I'm a good dog!
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Just practicing for national talk like a pirate day in September! I'm a little bit early, but oh well...maybe some of my pirate friends would like this!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Happy Birthday tooooo MEEEEEE!

Monday, January 01, 2007
New Year's Resolutions
On the flight back, I barked the whole plane flight to annoy the first class passengers above me. Woot! I am pretty sure it made my dad happy to know that I prevented those snooty tooties from sleeping on a red eye flight!
In any case, I'll be getting pictures up soon from the vacation.
However, here are my resolutions for the new year:
1. Post more often. Truthfully, I just don't think I have reached the level of fame I deserve, so I'm going to work harder to become more well known.
2. Ensure that my parents read Cesar's Way, by Cesar Millan. They need all the help they can get. They really are hopeless sometimes, no matter how hard I try.
3. More Youtube! I wanna be famous!
Anyway, that's all I can think of for now, I'm tired and it's time to sleep.