Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...


Hana said...

Ender, are you a lapdog? I tolerate my parents when they want to hug and kiss me. And then when I've had enough, I'll go to the further place in the room to get away from them.

Hmmm, I can't seem to see what Zach posted. It looks like a single period.

Ender said...

Hahaha Zack, very funny! just the post is wordless not comments! My thought was i can just post a picture once a week, call it wordless wednesday, and that would mean that I was atleast blogging once a week.

Hana, I'm only a lapdog on my terms! or until I get to warm! Sometimes my parents bribe me with treats to sit on laps, or to be with them!

Hana said...

oh, i get it... hahahahaha. Zach is quite a crafty character.

and bribes... that is a good idea. get them to bribe you more often. heeheeeheee.

Deanna said...

I like it!

Hana said...

Hey Ender, there is a new Casper in town, and he's an eskie. He is from Ohio and he is starting to write parts of his blog in dog so that we can understand it now.

If you decide to comment on his blog, don't check the checkbox unless you want the comment to be private. As for the textbox next to the submit button, I type in junk in that box, and it seems to be accepted.

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Valentines Day, sweet Ender :-)

Big hugs and kisses,


Nessa Happens said...

You're beeeeautiful! I like to sit on my mama's lap too. Picture THAT! To picture it, just picture me. and then add a flailing arm off to one side. That's pretty much all you can see of her when I do it.

Hana said...

Hey Ender, my vet did not use ACE during my teeth cleaning, so I'm unable to report about it's effects. But, I CAN report that I came out of the anesthesia just fine. My mom and dad were very happy! You can read more about it in my blog entry titled "My secretary is too busy."

By the way, how come up bloggy updates from you? Has YOUR secretary been too busy too?

Luckie Girl said...

Hi Ender,
I like sitting in my mom's lap too but that's only if she's sitting on the floor. If she's on the compooter, I wanna sit up and well, type on the keyboard.

Hana said...

Hey Ender!! There is a new eskie on the block and his name is Cherokee. He's an eskie too!

Ivy said...

hey hey ender! that looks like one nice warm lap to lay on! i luv wen my peepol wear theyr fuzzy warm clothes and i get the snuggle.

Nessa Happens said...

Ah - you are adorable! Also my mama loves your name, and says you should get a little brother named Bean and a little sister named Petra asap!

Licks - Nanook