Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My fun time

I got to go to doggie day camp and play with lots of other dogs the other day! It is still too hot outside for both me and my mom to go to the dog park. The real question is... How can I convince my parents to take me to doggie day camp more often? They do tel me that when the baby is born, that I will get to go a few times to play, so that will make me happy. And tired!


Isis said...

Hi ender!

Sister says she thinks your pawgress report is the cutest thing she's ever seen!

I'm glad you liked your day camp, mom says i can't go because she couldnt bear to leave me anywhere.

Silly hoomans. I would like a fun day to frolic and dance and the sunshine with other doggie friends.


Hana said...

What a good report card! Do you get a cookie for that?

Hana said...

Dear Ender,
Guess what! Um, did I mention before that I am going to see your daddy at the eskie reunion? How cool is that? I saw your dad about 6 years ago... that's a long time ago, ya know? And Kona and Darcy will be there too!

IndyPindy said...

Oooooooooooh! Doggie day camp is the BEST! Does yours have a web cam? My mom says she spends too much time at work watching me on the web cam. I think that's all she SHOULD do!

Ender said...

Hana, I should have got a cookie for that! I wish I could come to the reunion and meet everyone, maybe next year I'll come with or without my parents!

Indy, I don't think that Petsmart has a web cam, but they should!

Hana said...

Ender, dear nephew,
Are you sure you can't hitchhike to California for the reunion? I just heard another sibling of yours is coming to the reunion. His name is Casper. His family renamed him to Casper, but from what, I don't know. Geez, how many siblings DO YOU HAVE? (Ok, well, in my family there are 8 siblings.) More and more keep popping up each year! I wonder if your Mom is going to be there. It seems like your whole family might be there, except for you. Pity pity.
~Aunt Hana

Casper and pals said...

Wow that doggie day camp looks like fun and we love the paw-gress report too!

Ivy said...

wut a great pawgress report card! for being so good you shud get a cookie and get to go to your eskie reunion! you are so lucky to know who your siblings and aunts and uncles are. i dont remember any of mine. the only family i haf is my adopted family and they are pretty good for peepol but not as cool as real dogs.

Hana said...

Ender, I just posted a few pics of the family reunion on the eskie board.

Isis said...

Hi ender! haven't heard from you in a while...

guess its cuz you're off having amazing adventures right?!

L said...

Doggie day camp looks like a lot of fun. We never get to go there - or even to the dog park - because BLU gets too nervous. Hopefully you will get to go back again soon.

Anonymous said...

We finally got high speed internet so we went and watched every one of your videos that we could find! You are such a smart entertaining dog, we're so proud of you!
Love, Auntie M and Uncle J