Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fun quiz and other things...

Take this quiz, or better yet, have your humans take this quiz and see just how smart they really are when it comes to dogs. My mom guessed on a few of them and got 8 out of ten right.

Things have been fun around here for the past few weeks. My Grandparents stayed with us for a few weeks and so I got lots of playtime with grandpa. Then some of my cousins showed up for a few days and I got more playtime. My couisins even brought some of their toys with them and I tried to play with them, my mom started sounding like a broken record everytime when she would tell me to leave it! I was a good boy and eventually listened... the soft toys are just so tempting!

My parents went to San Antonio for the weekend last week. I wanted to go, but when I found out that my grandparents would be watching me it was okay that I had to stay behind. Besides, when my parents got home they said that it was really hot there, but every time they saw a dog they thought of me! (as it should have been!)

Mr Toad is back in my yard, I saw him there a couple of times last week.

My butt fur is growing back nicely. My mom keeps trying to brush it so it won't have to be shaved again, but I don't like it, however when she gives me treats after a brushing, I don't mind too much!


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Soft toys in the house ALWAYS belong to the dog. It is a rule.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

L said...

I hate having my butt fur brushed. I try to eat the brush and then the girl's hand when she's back there.

Mr. Toad sounds like he's lots of fun to chase.

Hana said...

Yeah, my mom took that quiz and she guessed at some of the answers too, however she still only got 4 correct. She even took it again later and only got 8 right. What a doe-doe-bird she is. Glad you had fun with your grandparents!

Ivy said...

my peepol only got 7 of them right. my butt fur got brushed yesterday, too. i tried to tell them i don't like it but nobody lissens to ivy.

Hana said...

Hey hey, check this out! It's a Shed Ender

Anonymous said...

Hi Ender! Congrats on becoming a big brother. I have 2 older sisters and they are a lot of fun. There are always lots of toys around! Guess what? You are going to be an uncle too! My friend Teddy came & visited me for a week in May and now all of a sudden I'm having puppies! My mom got 8 right on the quiz. Mostly she doesn't keep up with the names of the President's dogs!

Hana said...

Hey Ender! Congrats on becoming an uncle to Kona's pups! That means I'm gonna be a great auntie!! Congrats to ME, too!