Friday, June 29, 2007

What is your blog rated??

Online Dating

(ps, I got this from another blog that my mom reads, so I have no idea why it is tied into an online dating site...I just wanted to see what my bloggie was rated)


Ivy said...

hey! why is there no "D" rating for all dogs?

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I am also rated "G," although it did put up a minor objection to the fact I used the word "steal." I would have thought it would have objected to my discussion of the fact that humans often misuse the word "bitch."

Hana said...

My blog was rated "G", and it pointed out that I have the word "poop" twice in it.

L said...

Ours was rated PG. We said "hurt" and "kill" twice and "steal" once.

Bailey said...

Hi, I am rated G, for general audiences. Although I agree with Ivy, maybe C for Canine?

You are a cutie! Love that hair - I am so jealous.

Visit my blog sometime. Hugs, Bailey

Ivy said...

hey hey ender! guess wut? i am getting a baby brother just like you! i think yours will be here sooner than mine so you haf to promise to tell me all about it so i know wut to do wen the baby gets to my house.

we are going to be baby-watchin' dogs arent we?