Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thought this was good!

On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the stores PA asking customers who would still be of the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us...

A Pittance Of Time. Read more here


The Army of Four said...

That is AWESOME, Ender! Thanks for the paws up about it!
The Army of Four

Hana said...

Thanks for sharing that with us, Ender!

L said...

Ender, Thanks for sharing that. It made my girl cry. Either that or she was crying because I kept poking her with my jackhammer feet while she was watching.

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Thank you Ender for posting this.

Lest we forget.


Anonymous said...

That was wonderful Ender! We can never forget to thank those that fought for us and our country.

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful Ender! We can never forget to thank those that fought for us and our country.

IndyPindy said...

How Cool! Thanks for posting! Hey, come check out the eBay auction for our Northern Breed Rescue on my blog!

Peanut said...

Thanks for that Ender. It made my Mommy cry. She says that's okay she cries at everything like that. You should check out my blog post I wrote about my daddy who's in the army.

Ivy said...

hey hey ender thanks for sharing the song and the good thots for peepol who give so much of themselves to keep us all safe and sound.

tails up! dog salute! woof!

Freda said...

Hey Ender,

That was grrreat! My parents were in Portugal and there was a ceremony for the veterans there too. My dad's a flyboy type vet. He didn't fight but he did help the guys goin' to fight. And his dad is a flyboy vet too.

Wish humans would learn from the past. Guess not.


Hana said...

Hi Ender, how are you feelin' nowadays? I hope betterer!

By the way, baby Ronak got a new blog!

JustMeCopper said...

Thanks for that Ender. That was AWESOME! My Daddy is a vet! He was on submarines.