Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Humoring Mama

Sometimes humans make you do things because they think it's cute. For instance, my little brother is being given a bath. He's not flexible enough to lick himself clean like I do. Poor little guy has to get a bath a lot!

Then my human mama comes up with the idea that putting me in the bath with him will look cute! Ugh! Can you just see the excitement on my face?

In any case, I humored her for a moment, then I got out.

However, I will admit that any photograph with me in it is obviously cute.


Hana said...

How often does your Luke get a bath? If he was an eskie, he wouldn't need baths more than 3 or 4 times a year, like me! Well, I guess Luke doesn't have self-cleaning fur. That's too bad.

Ender said...

My mom tries to give Luke a bath a coupe of times a week. I try and clean him in between the bath! Maybe I should take all of my fur that luke picks up of the carpet between vaccumings and glue it on him!

Vi said...

Cute picture!

Casper said...

Any picture with you in it is definitely cute!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you dont look happy there but that picture sure look very cute. :)

~ Girl girl

Cairo The Boxer said...

You do look cute with your two legged brother. And your right a picture with you will always be enhanced.

I guess you don't like baths, I hate them but I know I need them...well sometimes.

Ronak said...

UMMMMM. Ender I don't have a human baby to play with, but I kinda don't think gluing anything to your Luke is a good idea. And don't worry, he'll develop fur on his own one day... right now it's more important to establish the best alliance with him so you can eventually overthrow the adult humans!!!!!!!!

Oh, and let's all be thankful that we don't have to be bathed that frequently. Yikes...

Isis said...

ohhh nooooooooos

thats terrible trapping you in the tub with the baby! You should help luke escape! A bath a few times a week! OH MY DOG! thats awful!

you should clean him EXTRA good so maybe he won't have to be cleaned in the tub so often!

L said...

You are so good about putting up with the crazy things people think are a good picture (even if it does look really cute)