Saturday, February 23, 2008

The toy basket.

This is me next to a toy. It is a very soft toy that I would really like to have. I am in Luke's room in this picture, but that's okay because Luke and my mom are here to. See, I have a problem with this picture. Why must I stay away from some toys and not others, it's not like I can tell the difference between the ones I can have and the ones I can't have. Now don't get me wrong, some toys I don't want to have...I don't need the ones that don't have stuffing, don't rattle, don't shake, don't have tags, or ones that don't taste good. I know, youre asking yourself what's left? Well there are the ones that move all by themselves, the ones that have been sprayed with bitter apple, the ones that are too big for me to hide, and the ones that I have already tried once, and don't like! The picture over on the right here is my toy basket. It does have a lot of fun toys in it, and I did get a couple of new toys for Christmas and my barkday, but I have one problem with this toy's all by other basket next to it...all my toys fit into that ONE basket. ONE ONE ONE. Remember ONE! This picture over on the left is a picture of Luke's toy baskets...did you catch in more than one...TWO! And the worst part about that is that they have to be kept in the closet so I won't get in them! Luke has two baskets because the toys won't fit in one (like one basket) And I am told that as Luke gets older he will always have more toys than me, that's fine by me, but I have to make sure that he will appreciate them! Now we come to the last picture. Do you see what the tag says? There must have been some kind of mix up! Maybe that toy should be in my basket and not Luke's after all I'm 3 years and up! Luke is just 4 months old! He is just not old enough to appreciate plush little toys like that! And I should offer that toy to be kept in my basket since there looks like there is no room in his baskets...isn't that the nice thing to do? I think so!


Hana said...

Ender, what would happen if you got a bigger toy basket? :-) Maybe that's the answer.

Isis said...

well it MUST have been put in the wrong basket.

you should just take it back :)

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

It certainly seems like a mistake has been made or more than one mistake. If you are older, you should have more toy baskets. And that toy is too old for Luke. You should take it so he doesn't get frustrated by a toy that is too much of a challenge for him ...

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Casper and pals said...

We only have ONE toy basket too! Something is wrong with this. We should all revolt.

Woofs Casper, Buddy, Nikki

L said...

It does appear that a mistake has been made. Maybe you should take that toy and put one you don't like into Luke's basket.