Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Friday, February 02, 2007

It's a monster....

...of an appliance! Who would have thought that two people would need such a large fridge!?! It's the biggest one that my parents found, not that they need all that space, but it was the nicest one they found for the price, whatever that is! Well, now there is plenty of room for MY food...umm, the food! It's a Samsung...yes, they make more than TVs, and no, it's not hi-def!

Nothing much to report.

Thought that it was about time that I let the world know that I'm still here! It's been a difficult little while here. I'm getting stir crazy here. It has been really cold outside, we have even had some snow...but nothing to get really excited over, just enough to tease. I'm trying to get my mom to take me to the dog day camp at Petsmart, after all since the weather is too cold for her to take me to the dog (and since I don't want her to get sick) it would be in her best interest to take me! I'm really behind on my photo posting, well, posting in general. i was helping my mom with her sewing project the other day, but she wasn't really happy when I started picking up All the loose threads that were on the floor. i started to eat them, and I thought that I was doing her a favor, but she said those threads could get stuck inside me and make me sick. So I watched...I make a really good supervisor! My mom went shopping and got this new comfy looking thing to put on the bed and inside it she put a really comfy blanket that has feathers in it to protect it, and now I'm not allowed on it! I have to wait until she puts a sheet over the bed, something about hair all over the crimson bed cover. I did already try to eat one of the little pillows that goes on the bed, now mom covers those too!