Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I am now in Texas!

Well, we made it here safe and sound! We spent four days driving...well, my dad drove a very long 26 ft. penske truck towing a car, and my mom drove the other car while I slept most of the trip! It was hard, but somebody had to do the sleeping! The first night we stayed in Sandy Ut. The second night we stayed in Denver CO. The third night we were in Dumas TX. And the fourth night we were at our new home. We drove through Oklahoma, but didn't get to stop. I was mad that we couldn't stop because I didn't get to mark my territory like I did in all of the other states! I liked staying at the hotel in Denver....there was a bed just for ME! I'll post some pictures later when I get them down loaded. I have got some really cute ones! And I will also post some of my paw and my cone head ones. Paw by the way is all better!


Mo said...

We're so happy you got there safe and sound!! Can't wait to see all the pictures!! (especially ones that you might have with your cousins *wink, wink*)

Tin Tin Blogdog said...


enjoy your new smelly place, Ender. I'm impressed that you managed to mark a few states on the way.

Looking forward to seeing the pix too.

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Hana said...

Yeh, Ender made it to Texas!! Yes, we want pictures. Lots of pictures. My daddy looked at your web site last night and asked me where are the pictures of Ender.

So, are ya gonna drive out to CA now for the Eskie family reunion? Your sissy Kona is gonna be there.

Hana said...

Hey Ender, are you anywhere near Houston? Dachsies Rule said there's an art exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts that is about dogs! How 'bout that!!!?

Anonymous said...

Yay - you're home! I bet you're going to love going for walks in the new neighborhood - all sorts of new sights, sounds, and ... best of all... smells! Whoo hoo!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Wow! A bed just for you?! And your humans didn't even try to steal it?

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Wow! A bed just for you?! And your humans didn't even try to steal it?

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Wow! A bed just for you?! And your humans didn't even try to steal it?

Casper said...

Glad to read that you have arrived safe and sound. Can't wait to see pictures and read all about your adventures in this new place.

IndyPindy said...

Cool! Or, not, since it's probably hot there. Ugh, I would HATE to be in a car for 4 days! I'm glad you are having fun!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound - what a long way for you to travel. Lucky you like the car - I wish I could travel that well in the car :-( Enjoy your new place Ender !


Ivy said...

hey hey ender! i am sorry you didnt get to lay down a pee mail in oklahoma. if it is any comfort i can tell you that i haf been there and there isnt all that much to see. i like any state that has an oshun!

you will probly be reelly busy teaching your peepol the rules in your new house! haf lots of fun and hope you meet some new dog friends in your new neighborhood!

MJ's doghouse said...

good luck in texas....someday i want to visit moms friend say they have the biggest steaks in the world. i am glad your paw is okay

Sam I Am said...

I bet you can't wait to hit the neighborhood and meet new paw-pal's ..sniff-sniff

Lot's of Lick's