Well, it seems like it has been a few weeks since I last made a post. And I thought I would make one so that everyone would know that "the whirling blades of death" haven't gotten me. My parents had some flooding in the house...3 different floods in less than a week, so our weekend plans changed from what we were all planning on. My parents were supposed to go back to Utah for the first weekend in April, but because of the first flood they were going to cancel the trip. I started to panic...I was supposed to go to the kennel and play, and see other dogs, and play, and get groomed, and play...If my mom and dad canceled the trip, I was going to have to stay home with them in the hot, hot house, where everything was a mess because of the flood. But to my relief they kept my boarding appointment because they figured it would be better for me to go and have fun, and be in a comfortable place, and also that way they wouldn't have to worry about me getting hurt or eating something I shouldn't....Wise of them. I had a good time at the kennel, but because I was away I missed the second flood, but I got to see the third flood. My mom came to get me that Monday (the 3rd) and as we were walking in the door...Water everywhere! I went nuts! I thought that I was at the water park and started to play in it, and bark, and drink it. Well, my mom put a stop to that. She put me on my tie out, and that just made me mad, why does mom get to play in the water and not me? But then I was happy again because my mom called her friend and I got to go play with my friend Ginger in her backyard. So now we are all dried out and as soon as my parents put flooring in two bathrooms, the laundry room, kitchen and dining room, everything will be back to normal...I vote tile in the kitchen and dining room, but I guess my vote doesn't count! I'm hoping to post some pictures soon, we are down to one computer for a while and during the day my mom hog's it and at night my dad hog's it, so I have to be sneaky about when I use it!