Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's an invasion!

I have received advance notice that the Dyson are launching an assault on my home some time today. It will be up to me to defend the household from this type of threat. I fear I will face something similar to what Turbo faces with D Animal.

For detailed information regarding these unholy creatures, visit their diabolical "friendly" web site at Don't believe the propoganda. They are not friendly, and they are not here to be our friends.

My humans have no clue what they will be allowing into their home.


Isis said...

ohhhh nooooooooooooooo! Hey, how did luke's halloween go?!

Hana said...

Be careful! That Dyson might try to attack YOU specifically.... the... um....source of the... um... problem, perhaps?

Raising Addie said...

I hope everything went well with the Dyson attack!

I'm sure you held your ground very well!

L said...

We heard rumors that you can kill the evil Dyson by biting it's long tail off. Just be sure the tail isn't stuck in the wall before you try it!

Kodak the Eskie said...

Oh no! I hate those machines! I chew on them when they are not awake!

Hugs, Kodak