So...my parents do weird things with me, as I'm sure that all of your parents do weird things with you! This is just one of the many, many silly thing that they do. Here I am in a laundry basket. They thought that it was pretty funny. Was I dirty, no. Did I need to be folded, no. At least they didn't give me a bath! Well, it's a good thing that I am very tolerant and have a happy disposition! But the joke was on them! I now can't stay out of the laundry baskets...especially if they have dirty socks or underwear in them! I like to sneak into the closet and swipe things when they aren't looking, and then I run around and make them chase me! It's so much fun!
In other news...I'm going to be a big brother! That's right! But it won't be of the furry kind, and I have to wait all the way for October or November for it to get here. My Auntie Hana was at my families blog and figured it out, she would make a good detective! That's why I haven't been posting a lot. But I have been a very good boy and give my mom kisses and snuggles when she doesn't feel well.