Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wanna see something UGLY!?!

Click on picture to enlarge...If you dare!!!!

So in the first picture you really can't tell how big this cockroach is, so I had my mom put it next to a quarter in the second photo. My mom still shudders every time she looks at this picture! The really funny thing is that the day before this roach showed up my parents went shopping at the yummy food store. Raid was on the list. While they were at the store, my mom asks my dad if he wants to get the Raid, he said "NO". So the next day this roach shows up, my mom freaks out, dad comes to help her kill it, and says "where is the Raid?" WHAT?!! My mom then said, "you told me no, we didn't get any" So they had to slow it down with hair spray! Then the roach got put into a ziploc bag and I got to play with it for a while. The roach got faster as the hair spray wore off, so I liked to paw at the bag and see it move really fast. Good thing the bag stayed close!


Anonymous said...

Ewwww .... I haven't seen any of those up here ... maybe it's too cold for them. I'll let you keep them all !!!

Hana said...

Double Ewwww!! Roaches!!! Thanks for putting the quarter next to the roach so we could see it's size. Good thing you had hairspray. You'd better have your dad buy gallons of Raid next time they go shopping. I hope the roach was just in your garage and not in your dog house. They say things are big in Texas, and I guess this is one of them. Good luck to you, Ender!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Welcome to Texas, Ender. Get used to the roaches.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Eeeekkkkk - mum had one of those in the toilet tonight. We will see more of them now summer is almost upon us out here in Oz.


JustMeCopper said...

Yeah, we have them here in Georgia too. Call an exterminator and have them treat your house quarterly .. it helps a lot. The big man also carrys a flashlight, which I love!

Casper said...

Yikes! My Mom is scared of those things. Glad we have not seen any here.

Hana said...

Ender, guess what. Tomorrow, I am going to meet your mom Faith, and siblings Kona and Darcy. I wonder if you all resemble each other. Guess I will find out!

Ender said...

Hana, be sure to take some pictures of my family so that I can see them has been a long time!

Hana said...

Ender, I took LOTS of pictures at the doggie reunion. I even got a group picture of your mom Faith together with your littermates Darcy and Kona. It will take a while before my mom goes through all the pics and figures out who is who again. I think there were like 19 doggies there!

L said...

My girl opened the doors and windows the other night and a big roach like that flew into the house. My girl screamed and told me to get it! I wasn't about to touch that thing. Even Comet, the bug hunter wouldn't touch it. Finally the girl attacked it with a shoe and smashed it into tiny pieces. It was pretty gross. I can't believe you would actually want to play with it (even in a bag!)