Friday, May 19, 2006

Wait, I wasn't ready for summer yet...

Ok, so our house was almost back to normal from the three floods last month, and from all of the other things that broke at the same time as those floods. But now, I'm not sure that I can live in this house anymore, things just keep happening or breaking, and I was ok up to this point but now my comfort level is way down. The air conditioning has not been working since Tuesday night, and it has gotten very hot here for this time of the year. It has been in the 90's and Wednesday at 8:30 in the evening it was still 85 deg. Outside, so at that point it was cooler outside than inside. It doesn't usually get that hot till June! My parents are trying to keep the house cool for me, giving me ice, turning on the whirling blades of death, and letting me go outside a lot as well as giving me lots of water, but why can't I have any ice cream or popsicles, its rude for them to eat them in front of me! Hopefully the air will be fixed today so I can return to lounging on top of the air vents in the house while the A/C is going, but if it's not...Maybe I should demand that I go to the kennels where it is nice and cool!

1 comment:

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Oh, what we go through for our humans!